While chronic jaw pain may not seem like a dental emergency, it easily can be. The reality is problems with the teeth can actually lead to issues with the joints that connect your lower jaw to your skull. Thankfully, our specialists have the expertise to diagnose problems with these joints and confirm the root cause of your discomfort. After we know for sure that a problem is present with your jaw joints, you can begin TMJ therapy in Chelsea, MI.
In order to confirm if problems are present with your jaw, our dentists will carefully examine and feel your jaw as it moves. This way they can observe the range of your jaw and identify sites of pain or discomfort. Diagnosis will also likely involve X-rays of your teeth and jaw to confirm the source of your jaw pain. Once we’ve collected enough information, we can determine the best treatment options.
In some cases, jaw pain can stem from having an uneven bite. If your bite is uneven, this could be due to having a restoration that was not properly placed and is creating unequal harmony between your top and lower arches. In this case, we can make subtle modifications to your existing teeth to ensure your bite becomes even once again. Following this treatment, your teeth should no longer be rubbing against teeth unnaturally, reducing stress on your jaw joints.